an Opportunity for the Yuba -Sutter community

Strenghtening Communities

Yuba College is launching the largest fundraising campaign in its history to attract more students from our region to complete degrees and/or certificates as the basis for improving the local workforce and economic outlook for the region. The campaign has a basic goal of $1.6 million, a desired goal of $2.6 million, and the aspirational goal of $3.6 million to improve the campus’ athletic facilities, as well as strengthen the Student Emergency Fund, and increase Scholarship for local students. We are currently investing more than $13 million to modernize our academic and student support facilities.  We must now invest in improving the athletics and related programs that serve as a major enrollment and community support magnet for the College overall. Community members will be invited to make multi-year commitments and each of you are similarly invited to consider the same to help the college reach the goal. Payroll deductions are an easy avenue for employees to make a gift. Whether it is a multi-year pledge, a monthly payroll deduction, or a one-time gift, all gifts are important, and all are appreciated. Participation, as always, is fully voluntary

Facts about YUBA

Investments in Yuba College are well-managed. We have strong leadership from President Tawny Dotson and a seasoned, committed team of faculty and classified professionals dedicated to students success.  


Enrollment now exceeds


Completion rates are up

Volunteer Campaign Steering Committee

John Cassidy
Tawny Dotson
Yuba College President
Brent Hastey
Volunteer Committee Member
Brent Hastey
Volunteer Committee Member
Marc Boomgaarden
Volunteer Committee Member
Kurt Hilbers
Volunteer Committee Member
Tib Belza
Volunteer Committee Membe
"This campaign is about reinforcing the important gateway to college and careers that athletics programs are for our community. Student athletes are our community's future employers and employees."
Dr. Tawny Dotson
Yuba College PrEsident

We have a 3-part Solution

Our Plan

We are currently investing over $13 million to modernizing our academic and student support facilities and must now improve our athletics facilities, student aid and scholarship to attract more local students. it will cost $5.6 million, and we already have received $2 million in bond funds, leaving $3.6 million we now must raise from private donations. 


Improve our Kinesiology, Health, and Athletics Program: It is the biggest magnet to get students to enroll in all areas of study

Grow and Endow

Grow and endow our Student Emergency Fund to help students though brief financial hardships and increase scholarships for qualified students from the Yuba-Sutter region.


Engage with local employers and High Schools to spark early interest in higher education

The Results

Higher Education continues to be the gateway to success. We can attract more local students into higher education and advanced certifications that increase the value of our local workforce and support our growing economy!

Please help build the best future for our young people and community.

Support this Campaign for Yuba College!

Thank you!

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