Our Imapct

Supporting students is priority one

In 2019-20 the volunteers, students, faculty and staff of the Yuba Community College District, in partnership with the YCCD Foundation raised $309,000 to increase opportunities for local students and support their success at Woodland Community College and Yuba College.

Impact on our Programs


This year the Foundation will provide students with more than 240 privately funded scholarship opportunities, totaling $203,500 to help support their educational experience.

Emergrency & basic needs

Through support of the food pantries at Woodland Community College and Yuba College provided meals and healthy snacks for students facing food insecurity. Through the campus emergency funds the Foundation assists students in times of unexpected need.

Technology Support

The Foundation helped fund the purchase of laptops and internet hotspots to provide students with online access in support of classes moving to online formats as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Student Service & Organizations

The Foundation provides support for a wide variety of Student Services and Clubs that are vital to the success of students. From Veteran’s Services, Athletics, TRIO, Disable Student Services, Foster and Kinship Care and so many more.