Ways to Give

Whether you are making a one-time gift, setting up a recurring monthly gift, or establish a planned gift, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that your generosity is making a positive impact in the lives of students throughout the Yuba Community College District. Gifts to the Foundation increase opportunities and support the success of students at Yuba College on its Marysville and Yuba City campuses, and at Woodland Community College on its campuses in Woodland, Clearlake and Williams.

There are many ways you can give to help make a difference in the lives of students. To discuss giving options, tour a campus, or visit a program, please contact Jay Lowden, Foundation Director at jlowden@yccd.edu.

Yccd Employee Giving

Some of our most treasured contributors are current and former employees of our colleges and district. While employed by the district, classified staff, administrators, faculty and board members can easily contribute directly to the Foundation to support their favorite program, project, or scholarship with an annual gift or with through a monthly gift using payroll deduction. Using payroll deduction is easy and it guarantees that your dollars to directly to the areas that you want to support. All you need to do is complete the Employee Giving Form found at the link below. If you want to make a one-time contribution, just click here. 

Annual Giving

Annual gifts of cash, checks, money orders or credit cards help fund scholarships, support student services and support specific educational programs. You can easily make a gift online by clicking here; or you can complete the contribution form and return it to the Foundation or drop it off at any of our campuses. A gift made by check or money order should be made payable to the YCCD Foundation. For assistance in making a gift by credit card contact the foundation at 530.740.1703 or foundation@yccd.edu.

Matching Gifts

Companies will often match gifts made by employees. More than 1,000 companies in the U.S. have corporate matching gift programs. For information if your company has such a program, please contact your company’s human resources department for guidelines and processes.

Gift in Kind

The Foundation considers in-kind gifts of tangible items, services, and expertise that directly benefits students and faculty. Examples of in-kind gifts include: Tangible goods: computers, software, furniture, or office equipment.  Services: printing and mail services, or administrative support; Expertise: legal, tax, business advice, marketing, website development, and strategic planning. To expedite the acceptance of in-kind gifts, please contact the Foundation office at foundation@yccd.edu or 530.740.1703 to verify that the item(s) being considered will be used to benefit students. Then complete the Foundation’s Gift-In-Kind Form.

Legacy Endowment

A Gift That Gives Forever 

With a minimum gift of $12,000, you can establish a named endowment for a scholarship to honor or recognize an individual or family, to support a program or to support a facility. The principal of the endowed gift is invested to provide annual support for the purpose you intended for the benefit of generations of future students.

For additional information please refer to our Endowment guidelines or contact Jay Lowden, Foundation Director at jlowden@yccd.edu.


Planned Giving

Planned gifts provide you with the means of truly making a lasting legacy for the benefit of students. By including the Foundation in your estate plans you have the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy that will provide lifetimes of financial support the foundation, while possibly providing significant tax savings to your heirs. Through a bequest in your will, establishing a trust, or including the Foundation as the beneficiary of your life insurance you can support your favorite program, establish a scholarship, or support the greatest need on the campus of your choice.

Bequests & Wills

A bequest is typically the simplest method to include the Foundation in your estate plan. You can designate us as the beneficiary of a specific sum or a percentage of your estate. The gift may consist of cash, securities, insurance proceeds, real estate, and/or personal property.  A bequest may be made through your will or through a living trust, and should be directed to the Yuba Community College District Foundation. Please refer to the Sample language that can be used when considering a  bequest. Please also, consult with your legal adviser.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

Charitable remainder trusts offer a way to donate property and still retain an income source. When you make a gift through a charitable remainder trust, you donate assets into a trust, naming the Yuba Community College District Foundation as the trust recipient. The trust will then pay you income for life or for the joint lives of you and your spouse. After your death, or the death of the surviving spouse, the assets within the trust are distributed to the Foundation. For additional information you can contact the Foundation. We highly recommend that you seek the advice of your financial/estate planner to determine the best course of action for you.

Real Estate Gifts

Real Property includes all gifts of real estate. Gifting a residence, vacation home, land or farm that has appreciated in value can help avoid capital gains taxes while providing a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the property. In considering whether to accept a gift of real estate, the Foundation weighs its potential value to support our students and colleges and determines whether a management plan can be implemented to maximize potential.

Life Insruance

Gifting a new or existing life insurance policy may provide a charitable income tax deduction when you name the Yuba Community College District Foundation as beneficiary and owner of the policy.

Tangible Personal Property

Gifts of tangible personal property, such as artwork, collections, equipment, jewelry, and wine, to the Foundation should have a use related to the Foundation’s exempt purpose. Gifts shall be accepted with the approval by the Foundation and the district.